Friday, June 04, 2010

Location Location Location

Location can be everything when it comes to the development of an awkward situation.  It can be a coincidental occurrence (wrong place at the wrong time).  For example, I was at lunch with a few people from work today when a coworker mentioned that she recently saw an attractive cop and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was in shape.  As soon as she blurted out that cops tend to look pudgy, two uniformed cops walked near our table (in case you're wondering, they weren't in shape...haha!).  Awkward.  I don't think they heard, but still, were we at a different location, that awkward moment probably wouldn't have happened.

While most awkward situations tend to be more coincidental--which make for the best stories--some can be avoided if you're aware of the source's location...unless you have to pass by that location multiple times a day.

Thus, I give you today's blog post.

Some people have this idea that the south is pretty much a giant redneck bar where everyone is racist and illiterate.  I can't speak for all parts of the south, but I can say that Atlanta seems pretty average.  It's not as normal as McHenry, Illinois, but all big cities are going to have some characters.

I said Atlanta is pretty normal...but...I work outside the city.  My office is a few buildings away from, of course, a redneck bar where everyone is racist and illiterate!  And this if the only one I've come across yet.

The sight of this bar is enough to make me feel awkward/mad/frustrated all day.  See pictures below:

One side...

Reverse side...

These are the current marquee postings outside of this bar that I pass multiple times a day.  The arguments they both attempt to make are so flawed that I'm not even going to waste your time by stating the obvious (even backers of the Arizona law would find the first sign to be an embarrassing reference).

The place is as dirty as it is offensive. But does it create an awkward situation?  I'd say so...probably a more tense one than anything, which is the worst kind of awkward.  This marquee is right across the street from a taqueria, supermercado, and other businesses ran by Latinos.  I get upset driving past it; I can't imagine how they feel.

Oh....redneck're like school in summertime---no class.  But I'm jus sayinj.


1 comment:

  1. Ok I don't even know what to say about this one. It's ripe with stuff to talk at length about. So I will put it this way....Did do Heads. ( Rush listeners).
